Blog / entertainment

  • dance + art

    dustin yellin via the new york times
    I went to Lincoln Center to see Paul Taylor's American Modern Dance. I loved it. The performance was so inspiring and accompanied by a full orchestra. I wish I could dance like that! While leaving, I noticed an art installation by Brooklyn-based artist Dustin Yellin. It blew me away - this tall glass structure forming a body out of tiny clippings of collage and when you moved to the side of the glass structure the image would completely disappear. I researched and found that Dustin Yellin is responsible for the nonprofit Pioneer Works in Red Hook that is both a residency for working artists and a public art space. I can't wait to go. This is what I love about living in New York City. You can be walking down the street and happen upon something amazing that excites and inspires you. Check out Artsy's Dustin Yellin page for up-to-date Yellin exhibition listings.
    Paul Taylor Dance Company at Lincoln Center, March 10 – 29, 2015 David H. Koch Theater, Lincoln Center
    Pioneer Works Center for Art and Innovation, Brooklyn, Open to the public Wed. - Sun., from 12pm – 6pm
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  • The ladies

    Aeon Video Couture Shop
    I just watched this 13 minute video on Aeon about two bickering 90-something year old sisters who still run their small couture shop. I always wonder if I'll be tooling around my NYC apartment making jewelry in my 90s. If I am, I hope I'm lucky enough to have someone there to bicker with. They had me laughing out loud.
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  • song of the sea

    Song of the Sea was recommended by a friend and one of the best films I've seen in a long time. Luca loved it! Watch the trailer here and read this review that calls it "unspeakably beautiful".
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  • a southern new year


    yahoo news

    Happy New Year! We're down in Tennessee visiting my family. We're having friends over today and my mother is serving the traditional Southern New Year's Day menu of black eyed peas, hog's jowl, sauerkraut, turnip greens, deviled eggs and fried potatoes. Craig and I are contributing and making Bloody Marys. It is a long standing Southern tradition that eating this meal will bring you good luck in the new year. Personally, I may only have half good luck since I'm definitely not eating hog's jowl ;) 



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  • transparent

    Craig and I just finished the new Amazon original series, "Transparent". It was so good! It's a dramedy with fantastic writing and acting. It had me laughing so many times specially the very last scene of the season. Watch it if you get a chance. 
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