
  • local and seasonal

    local food wheel
    union square farmer's market
    It was a busy day at The Union Square Farmer's Market. We go almost every Wednesday. It's such a great market and easy for us to get to. Our holiday market booth is actually situated right next to the farmer's market. We buy trout from Max's Hatchery, garlic from Keith's Farm and shishito peppers and Korean avocado squash from Lani's Farm. Speaking of Korean avocado squash, it's no longer in season which makes me want to cry. We slice it and bake with olive oil, sea salt and pepper. So good! It made me think of how people used to only eat seasonally and locally before our access to supermarkets and a global food market. I would love to try to eat locally and seasonally for one full year. I'll definitely do that one day but for now, I'm loving my daily avocado from California and Mexico. I found this local food wheel from the General Store and you can choose from four regions: San Francisco, Southern California, New York and the Upper Midwest. I also found this helpful guide on storing fresh produce. 
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