
  • handmade dolls for all

    family portrait
    king, queen and jester
    art doll
    mixed family
    young family
    family portrait
    gay family
    I was browsing Etsy yesterday and stumbled across TIMO-HANDMADE - the work of fine artist, Timor Cohen, from Isreal. Wow! I can't believe the detail, artistry and creativity put into making these dolls. Each doll is made from recycled fabrics so they're eco-friendly and the artist states she's "sensitive to different cultural phenomena. For this reason, the characters in my Family Dolls line come in all skin tones, ages and genders, so that people can assemble any family they please".
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  • Comments on this post (1 comment)

    • Ulaş Mazman says...

      everything was very impressed with your work very nicely

      On March 24, 2015

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